Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Controlling High Blood Pressure: A Woman's Guide

This Guide Will Show You How. You may be surprised to learn that it's as graceful as eating different healthy foods, one active, and taking prescribed medication.

It's a time by clay way to live well again and feel better. And it's something every woman can do.

If that sounds approaching good communication, you're right. High blood pressure does not have to be a form problem. In fact, if you do not enjoy high blood pressure, you can use this guide to support you prevent it. If you do have it, you can organize it.

So, read on. And find out how to take control!

Who get high blood pressure?

Nearly 50 million Americans hold high blood pressure.

Older women are chiefly likely to develop giant blood pressure. More than half of adjectives women over age 60 have it.

Others who are at a large risk of developing it are African Americans, the overweight, those with a own flesh and blood history of high blood pressure, and those next to a high-normal blood pressure (see page 3).

What is high blood pressure?

Blood is pumped by the heart through vessels to bring oxygen and nutrients to the body. Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the vessel walls. The more the pressure, the harder the heart is working.

Blood pressure normally goes up and down during the afternoon. When it goes up and stays soaring, then it is giant blood pressure. The medical term is hypertension.

An smooth test measures blood pressure. It uses an inflatable cuff around an arm. If the pressure is dignified, the test will be repeated on several days to capture an accurate reading. You probably have have such a test on a pop in to your doctor.

The test give two numbers: The systolic pressure is the pressure of blood in the vessel as the heart beats. The diastolic pressure is the pressure of the blood between heartbeats. The numbers are usually written approaching a fraction with the systolic above or to the gone. An example is 120/80 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury), a normal full-size blood pressure.

Both numbers count. Your blood pressure is high if the systolic pressure is 140 or above, or the diastolic pressure is 90 or above, or both are big. (See table on page 3.)

If you do not know your blood pressure, you should have it taken. Those next to high blood pressure repeatedly do not feel sick. In certainty, high blood pressure is habitually called "the silent hired gun," because it may cause no symptoms for a long time. But untreated, it can damage the kidneys and tilt the chance of stroke, heart attack, or other cardiovascular ("heart and vessel") problems. It causes three of every five cases of heart ruin in women. ("Heart dud" is a severe condition in which the heart cannot suitably supply the body with blood.)

Women who own both diabetes and high blood pressure are at an even highly developed risk of stroke and heart and kidney problems than those who have simply high blood pressure.

Take Control

Three of every four women next to high blood pressure know they enjoy it. Yet fewer than one contained by three are controlling it.

All women can and should take steps to control their lofty blood pressure. This is especially important for women who own heart disease. When blood pressure is lowered, the heart does not work as hard. Women who enjoy had a heart attack are smaller amount likely to hold another if they reduce their lofty blood pressure.

You can control your blood pressure with these steps:

* Lose cargo if you are overweight

* Become physically active

* Choose foods low in saline and sodium

* Limit your alcohol intake

* If prescribed, take high blood pressure pills

Each of these steps is described more fully on the subsequent pages. There's also a special subsection on how to eat the heart-healthy track.

These lifestyle steps also help prevent illustrious blood pressure--so you and your family can follow them together.

Be Weight-Wise

Losing extra pounds help reduce giant blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about what a on top form weight is for you.

If you enjoy to lose, do so slowly. To lose weight, you entail to take contained by fewer calories than you burn. So you can any eat not as much of calories or increase your physical activity--and preferably do both.

You may find it helpful to obtain advice from your doctor, a registered dietitian, or a qualified nutritionist. They can support you plan a sensible, balanced intake pattern to lose bulk slowly and then save it off.

Become Physically Active

Physical stir is good for your heart and blood vessels--and help control weight. It make you look and feel better.

Luckily, you don't enjoy to run marathons to benefit from physical activity. Try to do at least possible 30 minutes of a moderate physical activity on most, and preferably adjectives, days. A moderate activity would be a brisk stroll. Other activities include gardening, bicycling, and swimming.

You do not hold to do 30 minutes at one time. You can break it into periods of at lowest 10 minutes each. This may relief you get started.

Many women can start short seeing a doctor first. But if you take a big blood pressure medication, have heart disease, enjoy had a heart attack or stroke, or enjoy another serious health problem, you should check beside your doctor before starting.

Otherwise, procure out and get involved. Work up to a comfortable pace and diary, it may be hard to stick beside an activity, conspicuously if you feel pressed for time. But remember: It doesn't entail much time and the reward is better health.

It may assistance you keep going if you do an entertainment. with a friend or clan member. Or, you can try switching actions. For instance, use a stationary bicycle three days a week and walk the other days.

Being physically involved has masses benefits. You'll sleep better. And, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment from have taken charge of your health.

Reduce Salt and Sodium

Studies show that brackish and sodium affect blood pressure. Cutting back on saline and sodium can cause blood pressure to drop.

Some relations are very sensitive to brackish and sodium. Many African Americans and older folks are especially sensitive to salt and sodium.

Sodium is found with ease in frequent foods. It also is used in cooking. It is in a huge range of products, including baking soda, bouillon, catsup, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate (MSG), seasoned salt, soda drinks, and some antacids. It also is in such foods as many breads, pickles, can items, frozen prepared meals, and flavoursome chips. In fact, processed foods article for most of the salt and sodium Americans consume.

Salt is sodium chloride. So you own to be careful just about how much of both salt and sodium you consume.

Most women--even those next to high blood pressure--should enjoy no more than 2,400 milligrams of sodium a day. This comes to 6 grams of salt--about 1 teaspoon. Consuming even smaller amount salt and sodium will probably supply an added benefit.

The amount includes all of the brackish and sodium you consume, including that in processed foods, added during cooking, and used at the table.

Being careful just about salt and sodium is equally essential whether you have dignified blood pressure, have a high-normal blood pressure, or want to prevent high blood pressure. The information below and in the box on page 7 can facilitate you cut back on saline and sodium.

Limit Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure. But most women near high blood pressure can enjoy an occasional drink. And those trying to prevent high blood pressure can drink if they do so in moderation.

If you are trying to lose bulk, keep surrounded by mind that alcoholic drinks have calories--about 70-180 calories per drink, depending on the type.

Women who drink alcohol should enjoy no more than one drink a day. One drink is 12 oz. of beer, or 1.5 oz. of 80-proof whiskey or 5 oz. of wine.

Eat for a Healthy Heart

How do you munch through for a healthy heart? EASY, Choose a mixture of foods low in wet fat, total grease, cholesterol, and calories.

Fat is the richest source of calories. So foods lower in round also are more likely to be lower surrounded by calories--if you limit the serving size.

Research shows that drinking a lot of fruits and vegetables and low plump dairy products can lower blood pressure--as much as some medicines. Such foods supply plenty of potassium and calcium. Potassium is especially influential for blood pressure.

Here's more on those and other key nutrients:

Potassium--Eating foods rich in potassium seem to prevent high blood pressure. Most women gain enough potassium surrounded by foods. Good sources of potassium are many fruits and vegetables, some dairy foods, and fish.

Calcium--Some populations beside low intakes of calcium have more glorious blood pressure. Scientists don't know if the higher rates are from a paucity of calcium or an as-yet-unknown cause. Women also entail calcium to prevent osteoporosis, a severe thinning of bones that can lead to fractures. Osteoporosis tend to develop after menopause.

You should try to get 1,000-1,500 milligrams of calcium respectively day. Good sources are dairy foods, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese--but be sure to choose low or nonfat types. They hold as much or more calcium but with smaller amount fat and a lesser amount of calories. If milk causes you digestive discomfort, try yogurt or some lactose-free dairy products.

Magnesium--Scientists meditate a diet pattern low surrounded by magnesium may cause blood pressure to rise. But they are not sure whether the increase is from the famine of magnesium or some unknown factor. You should get plenty magnesium if you follow a healthy diet stencil. Good sources are whole grain, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and dry peas and beans.

Help Your Medications Work

For some, lifestyle changes lower lofty blood pressure enough. For others--and especially those near heart disease--medication may also be needed.

Even if you need medication, be sure to continue your lifestyle change. The changes give a hand the drug work better. Over time, you may be able to dampen the medication.

Fortunately, there are heaps blood pressure drugs today. Although you may have to purloin the drug for a long time, you will get big strength benefits from controlling your high blood pressure.

When the doctor prescribes a high-ranking blood pressure drug, be sure you understand the instructions. Know the amount you should thieve, if you should take it respectively day, and what times you should bear it during the day.

If you are not sure roughly the instructions, ask while you are at the doctor's office or clinic. Write down the instructions. Later, if you do fail to remember something or are confused, call rear legs and ask. Even if you are having the prescription jam-packed and are unsure about the instructions, ring up. Do not be embarrassed. You cannot bring the drug properly if you don't understand the instructions.

As next to all drugs, those for high-ranking blood pressure can cause side effects. For example, some can manufacture you sleepy or tired; others can cause a imprudent or cough.

Pay attention to how you feel. If you suppose you have a side effect, do not stop taking the drug. That can mete out trouble. Instead, tell your doctor as soon as possible going on for what you feel. The doctor will see if the drug is the end in.

If the drug is causing a side effect, your doctor will probably shift its dose or give you a different drug. It may bring some adjustments to find the best amount or drug for you.

High Blood Pressure Drugs

High blood pressure drugs work in different ways. They can affect:

* How hard the heart pumps

* How much the blood vessel widen and narrow

* How much fluid is surrounded by the body

Your doctor will choose the drug that best suits you. Often, two or more drugs work better than one drug.

The main types of lofty blood pressure drugs are:

Diuretics--These are sometimes called "dampen pills" because they work in the kidney and flush excess marine and sodium from the body through urine. This reduces the amount of fluid contained by the blood. And, since sodium is flushed out of blood vessel walls, the vessels unambiguous wider. Pressure goes down. There are different types of diuretics. They are commonly used with other elevated blood pressure drugs.

Beta blockers--These reduce resolve impulses to the heart and blood vessel. This makes the heart throb less repeatedly and with smaller amount force. Blood pressure drops and the heart works less unyielding.

Angiotensin antagonists--These are a new type of lofty blood pressure drug. They shield blood vessels from a hormone call angiotensin II, which normally cause vessels to come to a point. As a result, the vessels are wider and pressure lowers.

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors--These prevent angiotensin II from self formed. They relax blood vessels and pressure go down.

Calcium channel blockers (CCBs)--These hold calcium from entering the muscle cells of the heart and blood vessel. Blood vessels relax and pressure go down.

One short-acting type of CCB has be found to increase the chance of a repeat heart attack. Short-acting CCBs are taken several times a time. If you are on such a drug, you should talk beside your doctor about other medication choices. The finding does not apply to the longer-acting types of CCB, which are taken once a light of day.

Alpha blockers--These work on the nervous system to relax blood vessel, which allows blood to pass more smoothly.

Alpha-beta blockers--These work the same route as alpha blockers but also slow the heartbeat, as beta-blockers do. As a result, less blood is pumped through the vessel.

Nervous system inhibitors--These relax blood vessels by controlling bravery impulses.

Vasodilators--These start on blood vessels by relaxing the muscle in the vessel walls.

You're In Charge

High blood pressure can be controlled. Make able-bodied lifestyle changes and other take your drug as prescribed.

Remember: You own what it takes to control your big blood pressure.

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