Friday, December 28, 2007

Exercise and bright lantern treatment

Obesity and overweight are growing worldwide concerns for the World Health Organization. In Canada, the combined economic burden from podginess and lack of physical entertainment. is close to 10 billion Canadian dollars, accounting for almost 5% of the total health attention expenditure. There is the need to aggressively promote lifestyle intervention, especially exercise.

There is some indication that bright pale therapy might enhance the value of physical activity for mass loss. There is evidence that exposure to bright light modified the processing of serotonergic stimuli in the circadian system and have anti-depressant and energizing effects in patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). In appendix to its neurohumoral role in mood regulation, serotonin is one of the neurotransmitters involved in moderating food intake and have been connected to controlling body freight by regulating energy harmonize. Since bright light psychoanalysis is unique contained by that it may have the potential to maximize the effects of a moderate exercise plan, impact carbohydrate metabolism and decline soreness, a recent study from Canada studied the effects of bright light psychoanalysis and exercise on weight loss and body composition within overweight and obese individuals.

Twenty-five overweight and obese subjects were assigned to six weeks of moderate exercise near or without bright buoyant treatment. Bright light treatment (5000 lux) be provided using the lightweight, portable Litebook light therapy device. Subjects contained by the exercise only group be asked to exercise three times per week and all subjects be asked to consume their normal amounts of food during the 6-week time of year. On the exercise days for the subjects receiving desk light therapy, they used the lightbox for 30 minutes added to to the 30 minutes of light exposure during exercise. Weight, heart rate, blood pressure, BMI, and body margarine composition were taken at the initial study drop by, at the end of the 6-week exercise program and at a 3-month follow-up look in.

Body weight decrease significantly with exercise within subjects in the fluffy and non-light treatment groups, but the change be not significantly different between the groups. Similar results were found for BMI. With exercise, body oil decreased significantly singular in the wispy treatment group. There was a significant effect of the interaction of group by time on body stout composition, but the group by time interaction failed to accomplish statistical significance for body weight and BMI. Mood score improved significantly near exercise in the restrained group, but no significant changes be noted regarding sleep.

The results of this preliminary study show that fixture of bright light treatment to a 6-week moderate exercise program can alter body composition by significantly reducing body curvy. Study subjects were asked not to diet or binge throughout the study, but food diaries detailing food nouns and intake were not record, so it is not known whether change in amounts consumed or intake pattern among those treated next to the bright light accounted for the make over in body solid mass. Changes in activeness expenditure may also have accounted for the findings here study. The reduction contained by body fat mass is of faddy importance, because visceral round mass has be particularly associated to the development of the metabolic syndrome. This study is an esteemed step toward finding ways to maximize the effects of exercise.

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