Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Age Page from the National Institute on Aging: Shots for Safety

Shots -- or immunizations -- are not merely for children! Adults also need to be vaccinate from time to time to protect themselves against serious infectious diseases. In fact, some shots are more key for adults than for children. Every year, thousands of older ancestors die needlessly. The Federal Government's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly encourage elder adults to be immunized against flu, pneumococcal disease, tetanus and diphtheria, and chickenpox, as very well as measles, mumps, and rubella.


Flu -- the short name for influenza -- is a outstandingly contagious infection that causes hallucination, chills, dry cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, as resourcefully as headache, muscle aches, and repeatedly extreme fatigue. Flu usually is a mild disease in strong children, young adults, and middle-aged race. However, it can be life threatening in elder adults.

Flu viruses regulation all the time. For this idea, you need to draw from a flu shot every year. To give your body time to build the proper defense, it's prominent to get a flu shot between September and mid-November, in the past the flu season usually starts.

Although side effects from the flu shot are slight for most people, some soreness, blush, or swelling may occur on the arm where on earth the shot was given. About 5 to 10 percent of relations have mild side effects such as headache or low-grade frenzy, which last for nearly a day after inoculation.

The flu shot is the primary method of preventing and controlling the flu. However, four drugs have be approved to treat people who find the flu: amantadine (Symmetrel), rimantadine (Flumadine), zanamivir (Relenza), and oseltamivir (Tamiflu). When taken within 48 hours after the beginning of illness, these drugs diminish the duration of fever and other symptoms. These drugs are available individual by prescription.

Pneumococcal Disease

Pneumococcal disease is a serious infection. Many people are used to with pneumo-coccal pneumonia, which affects the lungs. But the microbes that cause this form of pneumonia also can attack other parts of the body. When matching bacteria invade the pool liner of the brain, they cause meningitis. When they enter the bloodstream, they end in bacteremia. They also can cause middle ear and sinus infections.

The CDC recommend that people 65 and elder get the pneumococcal vaccine. The shot is secure and can be given at the same time as the flu shot. Most relations only involve a single dose. However, the CDC advises those 65 and older to own a second dose of the pneumococcal vaccine if they received the shot more than 5 years previously and were younger than 65 when they be vaccinated the first time. No one should receive more than 2 total doses of the pneumococcal vaccine available presently.

About half of the individuals who get the shot hold minor side effects -- temporary swelling, reddishness, and soreness at the place on the arm where the shot be given. A few people (less than 1 percent) enjoy fever, muscle discomfort, or more serious swelling and pain on the arm.

Pneumococcal disease is treated beside antibiotics. However, in recent years the microbes that cause pneumococcal disease own become more and more resistant to penicillin. This is one reason why prevention and the nouns of newer, more effective vaccines are so defining.

Tetanus and Diphtheria

Tetanus (sometimes called lockjaw) is cause by the toxin (poison) of a bacterium. The bacteria can enter the body through a tiny pinprick or cut into but prefer deep puncture wounds or cuts similar to those made by nails or knife. Tetanus bacteria commonly are found contained by soil, dust, and manure. Tetanus is not spread from party to person. Common first signs of tetanus are headache and muscle stiffness surrounded by the jaw, followed by stiffness of the nouns, difficulty swallowing, muscle spasms, sweating, and fever.

Diphtheria usually affects the tonsils, throat, feeler, or skin. Like tetanus, it is caused by the toxin, or poison, of a bacterium, but it can spread from an infected party to the nose or throat of others. It can front to breathing problems, heart failure, paralysis, and sometimes destruction. Diphtheria may be mistaken for a severe sore throat. Other symptoms include a low-grade fever and enlarged lymph nodes contained by the neck. A second form of diphtheria cause sores on the skin that may be painful, red, and swollen.

Vaccination is the best method to protect yourself against tetanus and diphtheria. Most people receive their first vaccine as children in the form of a combined diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine or DTP. For adults, a combination shot, call a Td booster, protects against both tetanus and diphtheria. You need a Td shot every 10 years through-out natural life to protect yourself against these rare, but insecure, illnesses. During everyday activities (such as gardening), the tetanus microbes can enter a break in the skin and incentive infection. It's particularly far-reaching to have a booster shot if you enjoy a severe cut or puncture wound and haven't had a booster within the past 5 to 10 years.

The Td vaccine is undisruptive and effective. Most associates have no problems next to it. When side effects do occur, they usually are minor and include soreness, glow, or swelling on the arm where the shot be given.


Chickenpox -- also known as varicella -- is a immensely contagious disease that is cause by a virus. It is spread easily through the heavens by infected people when they sneeze or cough. The disease also spreads through contact next to an infected person's chickenpox sores. People who own never had chickenpox can obtain infected just by anyone in the room next to someone who has the disease.

While chickenpox is a mild disease for children, adults usually acquire much sicker. Early symptoms include aching, tiredness, frenzy, and sore throat. Then, an itchy, blister-like rash appears.

People who hold had chickenpox are protected from getting it again. A vaccine is available to protect society who have not have chickenpox. Two doses of the vaccine are recommended for people 13 years of age and elder. Most people who acquire chickenpox vaccine don't have problems beside it. The most common side effects are mild and include discomfort and swelling on the arm where the shot be given. Fever or a mild rash may develop.

Some associates who have have chickenpox may develop shingles later within life. Shingles is cause by a reactivation of the same virus that produces chickenpox.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases currently is carrying out tests a shingles vaccine at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. The vaccine they are testing is similar to the one used to vaccinate against chickenpox. After the shot, some people enjoy had some discomfort around the nouns of the injection. In addition, a few ethnic group have have a low-grade fever. For more information in the region of this study, call 1-800-411-1222.

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella

Measles, mumps, and rubella be once very adjectives diseases in the United States, but they hold become rare because of the use of vaccines to prevent them. As near many other diseases, measles, mumps, and rubella collectively are more severe in adults than contained by children. Most adults are immune to all three infections because they have them (or a vaccine) as children.

Everyone born in or after 1957 should have received at least possible one dose of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine sometime after their first birthday. Some adults -- such as health keeping workers and people who travel out of the U.S. -- may call for a second dose. People born before 1957 may be vaccinate if they believe they've never had one of these diseases. There's no mar in reception the vaccine if you already are immune to the infection.


If you are planning to travel abroad, check beside your doctor or local health department something like the shots that you need. Sometimes a series of shots is needed, so it's best to obtain them well within advance of your trip. For information in the order of specific vaccines required by different countries, general robustness measures for travelers, and reported outbreaks, call the CDC information file for international travelers at 1-877-394-8747. The Web site address is

Keeping a Shot Record

It's helpful to keep hold of a personal immunization text with the types and date of shots you've received, as well as any side effects or problems that you have. The medical record contained by your doctor's office also should be kept up to date.

Widespread use of vaccines can slim down the risk of developing a number of contagious diseases that seriously affect elder people. You can protect yourself against these illnesses by including vaccination as part of your regular vigour care.

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