Friday, December 28, 2007

DASH diet shown to lower blood pressure levels

An analysis of a government-sponsored study has revealed that blood pressure can be reduced contained by most people by a diet rich surrounded by fruits and vegetables and limited surrounded by sodium and total and saturated fat.

The diet also is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and protein.

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study is supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).

Previous studies own found that besides blood pressure, the DASH diet lowers blood levels of low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), the "bad" cholesterol, and the amino bitter homocysteine, both of which may increase the risk of heart disease. Earlier research also has found that reducing dietary sodium alone lowers blood pressure.

The most recent analysis showed that the DASH diet, plus reduced dietary sodium, lowers blood pressure in a general variety of nation, including those with and minus hypertension or a family history of hypertension, elder and younger adults, men and women, and obese and non-obese individuals.

In addition, the combination lowered blood pressure in relations with large or low physical activity level, large or small waist circumferences, and large or low annual family incomes or lessons levels.

"This latest study underscores the blood pressure-lowering effects of a reduced intake of brackish and other forms of dietary sodium," says NHLBI Director Claude Lenfant, M.D.

"Earlier research on the intermingle between sodium and blood pressure had given conflicting results in sundry population groups. Now we can say that adjectives back on dietary sodium will benefit Americans largely and not just those beside high blood pressure."

While the combination of the DASH diet and reduced dietary sodium produced the biggest reduction, each intervention also lowered blood pressure for adjectives groups when used alone.

"Adopting these measures could help millions of Americans avoid the rise contained by blood pressure that occurs next to advancing age," say Frank Sacks, M.D., a professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at the Harvard School of Public Health and chairman of the DASH steering committee.

The new facts come from the DASH-Sodium study, a multicenter, 14-week randomized "feeding" trial. In this trial, 412 participants, 22 years of age and elder, had systolic blood pressures between 120 and 160 mm. Hg. and diastolic blood pressures between 80 and 95 mm. Hg. Forty-one percent have hypertension and 59 percent did not; 52 percent of the participants be women, and 48 percent were men.

For three months, participant ate either the DASH diet or a typical American diet. Weight be kept stable. During the study period, respectively group followed three different intakes of dietary sodium for one month, each within random lay down:

* 3,300 milligrams (mg.) a day (the average rank consumed by Americans)

* 2,400 mg. a day (the upper aim currently recommended by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program)

* 1,500 mg. a day.

The largest differences surrounded by blood pressure occurred next to subjects following the DASH diet (daily sodium intake, 1,500 mg., compared with those following the "typical" diet (daily sodium intake, 3,300 mg.).

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