Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cancer of the liver

In the past 30 years, the number of death caused by cancer of the liver have gone down in the United States. Primary liver cancer accounts for smaller amount than one per cent of all cancer in this country. However, within other parts of the world, such as Africa, Southeast Asia, and China, it is a major strength problem, causing up to 15% of the cancer cases see in those areas. This difference is thought to be due to the much complex percentage of carriers of hepatitis B virus -- from 10 to 20 per cent, compared to 0.5% within whites in the United States.

Patients near chronic hepatitis B virus antigen in their body are more predictable to develop cancer of the liver than non-carriers. Their relatives and pe rsonal contacts should be tested for hepatitis B antigen or antibodies. If they are not present, they should be urged to receive the hepatitis B vaccine to protect them from both the virus and possible liver cancer.

Certain toxins and chemicals mete out liver cancer. In Africa, aflatoxin, a product of mold found in badly stored peanuts and other food, have been well-known as a cause of liver cancer. Prolonged exposure to polyvinyl chlorid e, used in production plastics, causes angiosarcoma, a intermittent form of cancer of blood vessels contained by the liver. Iron overload cirrhosis (hemochromatosis) and alcoholic cirrhosis have be associated with the nouns of primary liver cancer in scarce instances. Two congenital disorders, alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency and tyrosinemia, may front to primary liver cancer.

Benign tumors may also appear on the liver. Most common are adenomas, which turn out particularly within women. They are often associated next to long-term use of oral contraceptives. The tumor may shrink in size when the contraceptives are discontinued. Although adenomas do not spread like cancerous tumors, they may become terrifically large and end in great pain. They may also rupture and motive internal bleeding that can be fatal. Simple liver cysts and collections of artery s called hemanglomas are commonly see in the liver.

The liver can also be the site of subsidiary tumors that have spread from cancer elsewhere. Because the liver filters blood from adjectives parts of the body, it "catches" cancer cells. An enlarged liver full of cancer cell may be an early sign of cancer within other organs. Long-term survival has be possible when the initial cancer has be properly identified and treated. Secondary cancer should not be confused with primary cancer of the liver.


Primary liver cancer is thorny to detect at the beginning. The first symptom is usually misery that goes from the tummy to the back and shoulder. Weight loss is adjectives. Sometimes patients have episodes of severe aching, fever and nausea. Rapidly deteriorating strength, weakness, liver discomfort and jaundice m ay led a doctor to suspect liver cancer.

Measuring level of alphafetal protein, a substance produced by liver tumors and found in the blood, aids in diagnosis and can help monitor the effect of treatment. Radioactive liver scan, ultrasound try-out of liver, and CAT scan have be use to detect abnormalities contained by the liver and abdomen. Liver biopsy is greatly useful contained by establishing the diagnosis. It may be necessary to examine the arteries and vein of the liver and gastrointestinal tract through angiography, especially if surgery is considered.


Surgery is the preferred treatment for primary liver cancer, especially when cancer is limited to one lobe. If the cancer cannot be removed, chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy may be adjectives. Recent studies with monoclonal antibodies hold shown promise in reducing the size of the tumor. Some cases enjoy been reported within which antibodies to ferratin, an iron protein found in liver tumors, have reduced the size of tumors. The nouns rate was almost 3 of 100 cases. Much investigation is proceeding in these fields.

Liver transplantations enjoy been perform in patients next to primary liver cancer. In some instances, cancer has recur.

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